Shows and Results
2023-2024 Season #7: What a Showteam!
OUTSTANDING SENIOR SHOWMAN SEASON #7: Henry, Ricky, Katelyn, Danna, Paola, Kamryn, Claire, Eric
Cy-Woods Jackpot: Reserve Breed Champion York: Bo, 3rd place cross: Danna, 3rd place duroc: Danna, top 5 crosses for Katelyn, Bo, Ricky
Cy-Ranch Jackpot: Showmanship finals: Kenna, Paola, and Shelby Jo. Reserve Champion Duroc in both rings Rickey, 3rd Henry, 2nd Jacquelyn, Bo class winner twice 1st, Shelby Jo 3rd place
Cy-Falls Jackpot: Showmanship Finalists: Abby and Bo; Breed Champion York: Bo; Reserve Breed Champion Duroc: Danna,
Cy-Springs Jackpot: Showmanship final: Abby, Ricky, Henry. shelby Jo Reserve junior showman, Breed Champion York; Bo, Reserve Breed Champion Duroc: Natalie, 15 class winners between Ring A and Ring B
Buckle Bash Jackpot: Showmanship Finals: Ricky and Henry; Class winners: Bo, Henry, Danna, and Heidi
Willis Jackpot: Finalist for junior showmanship: Natalie; Class winner: Danna
Liberty Jackpot: Champion Senior Showman: Bo; Class runner up: Bo and Shelby Jo
Klein Cain Jackpot: Champion Showman Finalist: Ricky and Henry; Breed Champion OPB: Henry, Breed Champion York, Bo, 4 Class winners
New Caney Jackpot: Showmanship Finals Champion: Ricky. Finalist for showmanship: Henry, Aaiden, Danna; Breed Champion Duroc: Ricky, great showmanship and several class runner ups.
Westgreen Showmanship Challenge: Champion Advanced Showman: Ricky; Supreme Overall Showman: Ricky; Of the four finalist for this event three were MSAOP students: Ricky, Henry, and Danna
Aldine Nimitz Progress Show: Champion Showman: Kaylee, Reserve Champion Showman: Mireya
TOMBALL PROJECT SHOW: GRAND CHAMPION: Aubree, Class 1 Winner: Claire (4th overall), Class 4 Winner: Heidi, Class 8 Winners Aubree; Class Runner up with the 3rd from last pick: Adrianna: Auction Qualifiers: Aubree, Claire, Heidi, Adrianna, Makenzie, Pre-Sale: Zach. Showmanship call backs: Claire, Adrianna, Ethan, Kassidy, Kenzie, Heidi; Finalist: Heidi.
I45 Showdown Jackpot: Grand Champion Showman Ricky; Reserve Champion Intermediate: Shelby Jo, Reserve Champion York: Bo, 5 class winners with 4 more runner ups.
ALDINE PROJECT SHOW: All 4 students called back for showmanship (out of 12) and Kaylee finished 4th overall for the show in just her first year to show livestock, 3rd place and auction for Rhegan in her senior year and Mireya finished 5th and Jeff 6th. Kaylee placed 9th
Cy-FAIR PROJECT SHOW: 3rd and 4th Overall Showman out of 200 students: Katelyn and Ricky, 6 students were called back for showmanship: Bo, Danna, Abby, Katelyn, Ricky, Paola, 2nd in class Abby and 12th overall, 2nd in class Ricky and 20th overall, Danna 5th and first alternate for auction, Paola 5th, Chase 7th
KLEIN PROJECT SHOW: Justin 3rd in class and auction, Olivia 9th place
Spring FFA Booster Jackpot: Class winner Ricky, Paola, Katelyn, 3rd Danna and the purebreds held their own agains the crosses.
Valenswine Jackpot: Champion Senior Showman: Danna. Champion Intermediate Showman: Natalie; Breed Champion York, Bo, Reserve Breed Champion Duroc: Donna, Class winners with Aaiden, Paola, Danna, Heidi, Class runner ups with Claire, Adrianna, Kamryn, Ricky
HLSR Gilt Show:
HLSR Market Barrow Show:
2023-2024 Season #6: A Great Show Family!
OUTSTANDING SENIOR SHOWMAN SEASON #6: Daylen, Parker, Grace, Joshua, Jacob, Kenna, Samantha, Kylie, Emilio
Cy-Ranch Jackpot: Showmanship final: Kenna, 5th place Ronald, 4th Natalie, 4th Joshua
Cy-Springs Jackpot: Showmanship finals: Kenna, Paola, and Shelby Jo. Reserve Champion Duroc in both rings Rickey, 3rd Henry, 2nd Jacquelyn, Bo class winner twice 1st, Shelby Jo 3rd place
Tomball High Showmanship Clinic Winner: Adrianna
Klein Cain Jackpot Showmanship winner: Brooke
Cy-Falls Jackpot: Emilio 1st, 2nd and Reserve Breed Champion, Bo 1st and Reserve Breed Champion, Paisly 2nd and 3rd, Josh 4th, Danna, 4th, Henry 1st, Rickey 2nd, Jackie 1st and almost showed her way into Reserve Breed
Cy-Springs Jackpot: Showmanship final: Kenna. Katelyn 1st and Reserve Breed Champion, Jacob class winner 1st, 4th, Grace 1st, 1st and 5th, Adrianna 2nd and 2nd, Katelyn cross 4th, Bo 2nd, Zach 2nd, Kylie 2nd, Heidi 1st and 2nd, Paisly 1st, Shelby Jo 4th, Landon 4th, Kenna 5th
Buckle Bash Jackpot: Emilio 1st, Samantha 2nd, Tucker 4th, Natalie 2nd, Bo 4th, Daylen 4th, Ronald 3rd, Heidi 4th, Kameryn 5th
Klein Collins Jackpot: Parker 2nd and Natalie 3rd
Caney Creek Jackpot: Samantha 2nd
New Caney Jackpot: Showmanship Finals: Kenna. Emilo 1st and Breed Champion Duroc, Joshua 2nd and Reserve Breed Champion OPB, Jacob 1st and 3rd, Samantha 2nd, Katelyn 2nd, Kenna 2nd, Daylen 2nd
Oak Ridge Jackpot: Emilio Breed Champion Duroc and 1st, Maddi 3rd, Parker 2nd, Jacob 2nd, Justin 3rd, Nana 3rd, Bo 3rd
I45 Showdown Jackpot: Grand Champion Showman Kenna. Showman finalist Grace. Grace OPB Breed Champion, Natalie Reserve Champion OPB, Henry 1st, Ricky 2nd, Grace 2nd, Bo 1st, Kenna 3rd, Shelby Jo 1st, Paisely 1st
Spring FFA Booster Jackpot: Class winner Justin, Kylie 2nd, Heidi 2nd, Parker 3rd, Samantha 3rd and 4th, Natalie 5th, Mark 5th, Ronald 2nd, Emilio 3rd, and Jacob 4th with a lamb. Crystal won both lamb and pig old timer showmanship!
Valenswine Jackpot: Showmanship finals: Kenna. Grace Breed Champion OPB, Emilio Breed Champion Duroc, Samantha 2nd and Reserve Breed Champion Duroc, Jacob 3rd and 5th, Heidi 3rd, Josh 4th
ALDINE PROJECT SHOW: Grand Champion Swine Emilio. 1st place in class 4. Reagan 2nd place and 7th overall. 66% of students made auction.
TOMBALL PROJECT SHOW: Showmanship finalist and Champion Swine Showman Adrianna, 1st Class One & 3rd overall, Kylie 4th in class and 12th overall, Heidi 3rd in class and 14 overall, Zach 4th in class and 16th overall, Ronald 9th place, Jackson 12th place. 50% of students made auction.
Cy-FAIR PROJECT SHOW: Reserve Champion Showman Aaden! Showmanship Finalists: Kenna, Katelyn, Grace, Aaden. Katelyn 2nd in class and 10th overall, Daylen 3rd in class and 12th in auction, Jacquelyn 2nd in class and 14th in auction, Paola 5th place, Kenna 5th place, Aaden 5th place. Daylen Grand Champion Turkey. Joshua 3rd overall steer. 38% made auction in swine. 50% made showmanship finals
KLEIN PROJECT SHOW: Brooke 1st place class 1 and showmanship finalist, Parker 2nd place class 1. 50% made auction
HLSR Gilt Show: 7 Students from 5 different school districts showed (4H and FFA) Grace, Emilio, Natalie, Jacob, Joshua, Rickey, and Samantha.
HLSR Lamb Show: Jacob showed on the green shavings for the first time with a lamb.
HLSR Market Barrow Show: 10 students showed from 4 different school districts (4H and FFA): Parker, Abby, Henry, Zach, Adrianna, Grace, Kenna, Katelyn, Jacob,
SPRING TRI-CLUB SHOW: Champion Showman Pig and Lamb: Jacob, Reserve Grand Champion Pig: Samantha; Reserve Grand Champion Broiler: Samantha.
2022-2023 Season #5: More Than Banners and Buckles
OUTSTANDING SENIOR SHOWMAN SEASON #5: Madi, Haley, Journee, Reagan, K'ven, Timothy, and Rickey
Class winner, 1st, 2nd, and 2 3rd place (Madi, Reagan, Kenna, and Journee) Thumpin in the Pines Jackpot
Harris County Fair: 2nd place (Madi, Reagan, and Kenna), 3rd Place (Journee), Showmanship Finalist Madi
Cy-Ranch Jackpot: Reserve Breed Champion OPB (Madi), Reserve Breed Champion Duroc (Madi), 1st place (Madi Duroc, Madi OPB), 2nd Place York (Madi), 2nd place (Abby), 3rd place (Joshua, Haley)
Baytown Jackpot: 1st place (K'ven), 2nd Place (Timothy)
Waller Jackpot: 1st place (Daylen, Saydee), 2nd place (Madi, Kenna, Kaitlyn)
Humble Progress Show: 2nd place (Logan)
Tomball Progress Show: Grand Champion Breeding Gilt (Mad), Showmanship Finalist (Madi and Haley)
Cy-Falls Jackpot: Breed Champion Duroc (Journee), 1st place (Madi, Crystal, Journee, Haley, Maria, Henry), 2nd place (Kenna, Joshua, Jacob, Rickey), 3rd place (Parker)
Splendora Jackpot: Class Winner York (Madi), 2nd Place Cross (Maria), 2nd Place York (Madi), 2nd Place White OPB (Madi), 3rd Place Duroc (Abby), 3rd Place Hamp (Kenna), 3rd Place York (Kaitlyn)
Caney Creek Conroe Jackpot: Reserve Champion Showman Cayden, Showmanship Finalists Emilio and K'ven, 3rd OPB Cayden, 3rd Duroc K'ven, 3rd Cross Emilio
Oak Creek Jackpot in Conroe: Reserve Breed Champion Duroc Journee, 2nd place Crystal, Jacob, Journee 3rd place Abby and Parker
Waller Jackpot: Breed Champion Duroc Crystall, 2nd place Abby, 3rd place Samantha, 3rd place Emily
Spring Shootout Jackpot: Reserve Champion Overall Timothy, Champion Senior Showman Crystal, Finalists for showmanship Madi, K'ven, Crystal, Class Winners Timothy, Madi, Samantha, Class Runner Up Reagan, 3rd Madi, Jacob, Journee, 4th place Logan, K'ven, 5th place Haley, Emily
Fairfield Valenswine Jackpot: Reserve Champion Showman K'ven, Reserve Breed Champion Duroc Kenna, Class winners in both rings Kenna and Cayden, 2nd Place Timothy, Grace, 3rd place Rickey and K'ven
ALDINE PROJECT SHOW: Reserve Grand Champion Swine Rickey, Reserve Campion Showman K'ven, Class winners K'ven and Rickey, 2nd Place Emilio and Ladasha, 3rd place Jalen, 8th place Saydee
TOMBALL PROJECT SHOW: 2nd Place in class, 12th Overall and Showmanship Haley, 3rd Place in class and 21st overall and showmanship Adrianna, 5th Place in class and showmanship Makenzie, 5th place in class Madi, 8th place in class Emma
HUMBLE PROJECT SHOW: Class winner and 11th overall Logan. Finalist for showmanship
Cy-FAIR PROJECT SHOW: Class winner and 3rd overall Daylen, 8th place and showmanship Cayden, 9th place Joselyn, 9th Place Katelyn. Great job but did not place: Grace, Kenna, Ricky, Henry, Maria and Joshua
KLEIN PROJECT SHOW: Class winners Journee and Crystal, 2nd Place Reagan and Jayden, 4th Place Parker, 5th Place Katelyn. Showmanship Call Back: Journee, Jayden, Reagan, and Crystal. Top 5 showmanship finalist: Crystal and Jayden. All students made the Top 5 in their classes and 84% made auction!
HLSR: 14 students showed in 3 waves of the HLSR! 8 students showed gilts with 7 Duroc and 1 Chester. The barrow show consisted of two waves with one Hampshire, 4 Durocs, and 1 Berkshire. None of the students placed but we had a great time and the animals showed great.
SPRING TRI-CLUB SHOW: Grand Champion Swine, Two class winners, one 3rd place, 1st, 5th Overall, 9th Overall. Champion Swine Showman, Grand Champion Lamb, Champion Lamb Showman
2021-2022 Season #4: Don't Underestimate Us
Outstanding Senior Showman: Sierra, Ezequiel, and Martez
Almost 100% students placed within the top half of their classes
Aldine Project Show: Grand Champion steer: K'Ven, Grand Champion Swine: Timothy, Reserve Grand Champion Lamb and Grand Champion Swine Showman: Ricky
Spring Prospect Show: Grand Champion Swine K'ven; Champion Showman Martez, Reserve Champion Showman Madi
5 Class Winners Spring Prospect Show Martez, Madi, Ezequiel, K.ven, and Jacob
Cy-Fair: 12th overall and 23rd overall Secured two auction spots Henry and Mary
6 out of 7 made the top 10 and two were called back for showmanship Kenna and Henry
Tomball 3rd in class and 20th overall Haley
Klein: 1st in class, 3rd in class, and 6th in class Journee, Hailey, and Reagan
Champion Showman New Caney Prospect Show: Martez
Reserve Champion Showman Fairfield Prospect Show Ezequiel
Reserve Champion Crossbred Cy-Falls Ezequiel
Reserve Champion Duroc Cy-Fair Prospect Show Madi
Reserve Champion Duroc Ring A and B Fairfield Prospect Show Kenna and Madi
4 Students showed at the HLSR Breeding Gilt Show
5 Students showed at the HLSR Barrow Show
Grand Champion Swine Spring Tri-Club Martez
Reserve Grand Champion Swine Spring Tri-Club Zy'Vieon'Tae
Champion Swine Showman Alyssa
Grand Champion Lamb Jacob
Champion Lamb Showman Jacob
4 Finalists for swine showmanship: Alyssa, Martez, Zy'Vieon'Tae, and Sierra
4 Class Winners swine: Jacob, Martez, Zy'Vieon'Tae, and Alyssa
Click below to see photos.
2020-2021 Season #3: The Year with Masks
Outstanding Senior Showman Awards: Hannah, Jose, Kaitlyn
Tomball Project Show: 3rd and 6th Place in classes; 11th overall: Haley, and runner up in showmanship: Madi.
Cy-Falls Winter Wipe Out Prospect Show: Class winner 1st Place, 2 Runner-ups 2nd Place, and several placing in the top 5
Cy-Falls Texas Sleet Prospect Show: 3 Class winners, and 4 runner ups
Spring FFA Booster Prospect Show: Grand Champion: Kaitlyn, 4 Class Winners1st Place: Kaitlyn, Maddie, Hannah, and Savanaah, Champion Showman: Martez, 1 runner up 2nd Place
Cy-Fair Project Show: 9th Place, two 10th Place and 11th Place. All placed in the top half of their class.
Klein Project Show: Reserve Grand Champion: Journey, Class Winner 1st Place, 10th place Reagan
HLSR Breeding Gilt Show: 4 very competitive gilts showed in Class 1: Hannah, Kaitlyn, Maddie, and Jacob
HLSR Duroc Barrow Show: Martez
Spring Tri-Club: Champion Showman Swine Martez
Spring Tri-Club: 1 class winner, two runner-ups and all 5 animals making auction: 3rd overall, 7th overall, 10th overall, 11th overall and 13th overall.
Click below to see photos.
2019-2020 Season #2: The Covid Year
2019 College Park Prospect Show: Class Winner 1st Place, 2 Runner up 2nd Place, two 3rd Place and 2 Finalist in Showmanship
2020 Tomball ISD Project Show: 3rd Place and 13th overall
2020 Cy-Fair Project Show: 6th Place, 8th Place, 8th Place
2020 Spring FFA Booster Prospect Show: Grand Champion, 2 Class Winners, 2 runner up 2nd Place, Champion Senior Showman
2020 Wunsche FFA Prospect Show: Grand Champion, 2 Class Winners, 3 runner ups 2nd Place, Champion Senior Showman
2020 Klein ISD Project Show: 3rd Place Class 2
2020 Better Than Houston Show: Grand Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, 4 Class Winners, Senior Showmanship Champion
2020 Spring Virtual Show: Grand Champion, Reserve Grand Champion, 2 Class Winners and two runner up 2nd Place
2020 LaPorte Show: 1 Class Winer 1st Place Heavy Duroc, 4th Place Middle Weight Duroc
Click below to see photos.
2018-2019 The First Season
2018 Porter Prospect Show: Breed Champion Duroc; Class Winner Duroc Class 1, 2nd Place Cross Class 4, 4th Place OPB Class 1; 4th Place Hamp Class 4
2019 Spring Prospect Show: Grand Champion; Class Winner Class 5
2019 Klein ISD Project Show: Grand Champion; 1st Place and Class Winner Class 4; 5th Place Class 5; 8th Place Class 4; 2 out of 3 made auction
2019 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo: 9th Place and Premium Auction Duroc; strong showing by Chester but did not place.
2019 Austin Rodeo: Strong showing by Chester
2019 Spring Tri-Club Show: Grand Champion; Class Winner Class 1; Class Winner Class 3; Class Winner Class 5; 1st Overall in auction, 5th overall in auction, and 7th overall in auction.
Click below to see photos.
The Journey that started the MSAOP
2016 Klein ISD Project Show: 1st Place Class 1; 3rd Place
2016 Austin Rodeo: 6th Place Chester
2017 Klein ISD Project Show: 3rd Place, 5th Place
2017 San Antonio Livestock Show: Strong showing with Chester, just missing the top 10
2017 Houston Livestock Show: Two Chesters just missed placing with both making it past the sift and into the show ring.
2018 Klein ISD Project Show: 3rd Place, 6th Place
2018 Houston Livestock Show: Very strong showing by Chester to just miss showing in the big arena.
Click below to see photos.