Our Namesake: Marilyn Schmidt

Our Purpose and History

Marilyn Schmidt was an amazing mother, nurse, grandmother and friend.  She never stopped giving to others!  She made sure her children had every opportunity they took an interest in, and when her sons began showing livestock and made FFA a big part of their lives she made sure that they would be successful.  She supported her children in everything they did even when times were difficult.

Marilyn was diagnosed with dementia in November of 2010 and sadly lost her fight in March of 2018 at 68 years old.  The purpose of her foundation is to continue her example of selflessness and to commit to positively impact lives through agriculture and livestock projects as a memorial in her name. 

We are honored to remember her in all we do!


To encourage and support students and their families as they experience the incredible power and life lessons that are raising livestock projects.   


To positively impact lives by supporting livestock projects and agriculture education with all levels of support and multiple resources to students and their families. 


To see all students succeed at the highest levels recognizing that hard work, perseverance and responsibility are keys to success in livestock production and in life.  

Our History

As Paige experienced her 4 years in FFA (2013-2017), we made connections to so many wonderful families, supporters, breeders, and friends. We found a lot of students who wanted and needed more support to make the most of their projects and to experience all opportunities that are available. We recognized this was a need for students in a lot of the school districts around us and it would be the perfect way to recognize and remember someone so very important to our success in agriculture.  

In December of 2018  we incorporated the Marilyn Schmidt Agriculture Outreach Program as a 501c(3) and began with 7 students and 10 projects. In just over 3 years, we have worked with more than 40 students and are moving closer to 100 projects. We have added our own breeding program to provide us even more impact and have given animals to students and families from Tyler to Ft. Stockton, Texas.  By year 7, we have worked with more than 300 students and families and have supported more than 500 projects.

We have been so very blessed and continue to be amazed at how this has become our mission field and that we can truly see lives changed.  We are excited to continue to help more and more students make memories and experience success in agricutlture.